How Virtual Production is giving Television a powerful new tool to become more sustainable.

Michael McKenna
8 min readJun 24, 2022


7 ways broadcasters and producers can reduce the environmental impact of TV production

The innovation of Virtual Production (VP) techniques could make a significant impact in the race to net zero by streamers, broadcasters and production companies, with recent studies suggesting a 90%+ reduction in CO2 emissions vs traditional shoots.

Final Pixel Virtual Production with LED walls & custom built environment in Unreal Engine

For context, some of the numbers are staggering –

· In 2019, one hour’s worth of TV content produced 13 tonnes of carbon dioxide — with drama being the biggest culprit.

· While this reduced dramatically in 2020 due to lockdowns and restrictions on air travel…its clear from the Albert 2020 report that people transport is consistently the highest emitter of carbon per hour of TV:

However, VP needs to be considered as just one component of a suite of tools we can deploy to clean up our act on production.

This article sums up where we are on this journey, and how using Virtual Production is not only likely to be a greener choice, but also can act as a vanguard to place the responsibility and discussions around sustainable production central to the project in hand.

7 ways to reduce the environmental impact of TV production:

1. Complete a sustainability plan for your company, and champion it.

To help inform the plan, get some training — it’s the first step for production and editorial teams on the journey, and is offered free of charge by Albert (Ad Green training is an incredible first step for Advertising folks also).

You can work to develop your overall company plan with a forward-thinking and supportive team of environmental experts, like the consultants at Creative Zero or with Green Shoot. This will help cement the actions you want to take, becoming part of day-to-day life. Volunteer to your managers and superiors to take control of this, and see how it can then influence project decision-making.

To see an example, at Final Pixel we have recently launched our own sustainability plan for this year: Final Pixel 2022 Sustainability Plan

2. Use Virtual Production to reduce Travel costs

Its clear the TV industry has a lot to do, but the data is emerging that shows just how powerful choosing to use Virtual Production can be.

The use of game engine technology to create in-camera VFX using LED walls was pioneered on the Mandalorian, and has exploded as an industry since. Aside from the well documented benefits for both creatives and producers, it is increasingly being seen as a logical choice for companies looking to reduce emissions.

Anecdotal reports from a large international TV production business suggest if VP had been used to avoid travel or negated the need for a large scale set build, then the savings are potentially huge. A soon to be released snapshot analysis of an actual recent shoot, which replaced the need for an overseas 2nd unit, showed a staggering reduction of over 95% CO2 emissions.

Furthermore, a recent study overseen by Jeff Beverly of Commonwealth-McCann showed that for car shoots, the CO2 saving would also have been in the region of a huge 85%-90% CO2 emissions. This could also be revolutionary for car manufacturers and advertising agencies seeking to reach net zero goals and lead the way in sustainability

So the studies are beginning to line up, and in the past 6 months we’ve also seen a plethora of information and announcements related to Virtual Production sustainability

· The first zero carbon ad — shot using Virtual Production [link]

· A study showing how LED wall virtual production used just 32% of emissions of a comparable production — that’s 68% less [link]

· How Virtual Production is helping to cut costs and reduce carbon footprint [link]

· Netflix to use more virtual production to clean up sets [link]

· How virtual production is reducing carbon footprint [link]

· Boost virtual production in film and TV for growth and sustainability [link]

So whether its with LED walls or green screen, VP can bring cost savings as a method of production while increasing creative freedom AND potentially significantly reducing carbon emissions. Surely broadcasters and producers should be starting from this position, and asking themselves why are we NOT doing these scenes in Virtual Production?

3. Measure measure measure — Use a calculator!

Everyone should be using Albert by now to track emissions on TV productions, and if you’ve not heard of Albert — see here now!

There are many other forms of calculator available, some even come with a typical budgeting/scheduling template to make the whole process simpler for producers (a list is given at the end of this article). While these calculators are crucial, they are not wholly consistent between each other — so it will be practical to see industry move towards a standard in this area.

A key factor in this calculator on our LED wall shoots is the power draw of the volume itself. We are hearing of more and more clever technology and software that can be deployed on Virtual Production shoots to actively manage the power draw — for example using AI to automatically dim the screen when it decides its not being used in anger. This technology can be applied to all lighting and power sources in a studio — just because they are plugged in, doesn’t mean they need to burn 100% the whole time!

4. Use Virtual Production to replace real world set builds with virtual environments.

With Virtual Production using LED walls you can create any location in 3D. This environment is projected real-time onto the LED wall the parallax effect allows allows us to ‘look around corners’ when the camera moves.

At Final Pixel, our Virtual Art Department is a fully remote team, so we do not have the infrastructure emissions associated with commercial property and are able to be flexible when we need to scale up and down at short notice.

Importantly, building and filming on a virtual environment also brings (what I like to call) a recurring ‘sustainability dividend’ every time the virtual set is re-used — eg for a returning series or pickup shots. Once built, the energy which went into making it is complete and it can simply be pulled off the shelf for future productions. Cumulatively over time this could build to be a huge carbon reduction, particularly if its continually replacing location shoots or physical sets every time.

If you do need to use physical sets — make sure they are green sets.

5. Have a green steward on set.

This one is easy — hire a Green Steward on your next shoot.

The Green Steward will help ensure people are following best practices on set and act as a point of co-ordination, eg using reusable water bottles and saving plastic from recycling and landfill! They also manage the calculators.

You can read more about ‘Green Stewards’ here (the Green Shoot even offer free training).

6. Use a Studio with the Albert Studio Sustainability Standard 2022 accreditation

From the Albert website; “The studio sustainability standard is a voluntary standard for studio facilities that has been created by and for the industry. By taking part, studios will be able to focus and pinpoint key areas within their facility, where they can make improvements to reduce their environmental impact over 6 key areas: Climate, Circularity, Nature, People, Management and Data.

Participating studios will receive a bespoke performance report as well as a grade which will allow them to benchmark their own progress as well as compare themselves to other studio facilities across the globe.”

The basic goal is to find a studio powered by renewable energy. Albert’s “Creative Energy” project is making it easier than ever for studios to sign up for renewable energy. Since LED uses a lot of energy- this is the simplest way to balance that usage. US studios are starting to answer the call as well.

7. Use Real-time and Virtual Production to reduce time in post

On shoots with a high degree of VFX — requiring compositing and a ton of high-end rendering — you can reduce the impact of render farms and the additional emissions an elongated post schedule can bring by doing as much as possible in real-time.

Using the worlds most powerful content creation tool, Unreal Engine, we can ditch those renders and capture scenes live on-set. We leave the studio with ‘Final Pixel’ shots — just like a location shoot….

While all of the data around is looking extremely positive, at Final Pixel we continue to seek more empirical research on the sustainability credentials of Virtual Production, which is why we are so active as industry leaders for the ‘VP Green’ initiative (below). The more we can gather real data and peer-reviewed research, the more we can use this to influence decision makers about sustainable choices AND work with manufacturers and supply chains to further improve.

The bigger the push and desire to be more sustainable - the more will get on board.

So lets help drive it.


Michael McKenna was keynote VP industry speaker at the recent Virtual Production sustainability conference ‘VP Green’ symposia in London in May 2022.

Final Pixel is a leader in the field of Virtual Production and raising the awareness of sustainability in our creative industries, being lead industry partners of the ‘VP Green’ initiative. It is a global creative studio operating out of Los Angeles, New York and London. You can read more about our own sustainability path and goals at

More details on VP Green and discussions from the event can be found here.

List of popular calculators:

· Albert (TV/Film- UK)

· Montreal On Tourne Vert has created The Carbon Calculator (Quebec, Canada) — derived from Albert

· Creative BC has Reel Green (TV/Film Canada) — derived from Albert

· Green Filming Tirol points to LAFC Carbon Calculator (Film & TV — Austria)

· Eco Prod has Carbon Clap Calculator (France)

· VAF / e-Mission (Belgium) — most of the site is dutch, so hard to determine, but e-mission comes up again and again.

· MFG Greenshooting Calculator (Germany) MFG = Media and Film Society

· Green production Guide has Pear Calculator (Film/TV — USA)

Other Resources:

· The Green Shot Is the BEST tool we’ve found to connect large productions in multiple countries. Their app interfaces with a ton of calculators, currencies, etc… It also does more than calculate carbon, it engages the crew throughout production — with tips and tricks. Really useful tool. You can also hire out trained managers from their team. Just an awesome one-stop shop for a massive team/shoot/production.

· Ontario Green Screen (Film & TV — Canada) — they point you to Albert calculator

· Manitoba Film & Music (Manitoba, Canada) — points you to Reel Green

· Green Film Shooting (Film/TV/Commercials — EU) — platform/forum to further sustainable production across Europe

· Hamburg Film Commission “Green Filming Badge” (Germany)

· Trentino Italy Film Commission has “Green Film” (Italy) — a points system, but not necessarily a calculator

· Screen Ireland Green Filmmaking (Ireland) — points you to Albert

· Ekosetti (Finland)



Michael McKenna

Final Pixel is a global creative studio, specializing Virtual Production using LED walls and Game Engine technology for Advertising, TV and Film.